Battle Reports

More about Combat

Playing Stars!

Use this report to view statistics for each battle that took place the previous turn, and to view the battles themselves. Each line in the report summarizes one battle that occured the previous year.

⇒        Select the battle's location in the scanner by clicking once anywhere on the battle summary.

⇒        To review the battle in the VCR and learn the gory details, click again on that battle's summary.

The Battle Summary report shows the following:

Location – Coordinates or planet name where the battle took place

SB -- Starbase involved (O = ours, T = theirs),

Sides -- number of players that fought

Units -- the total number ships involved, including any starbase

Ours -- total number of our ships involved, including any starbase

Theirs – total number of our ships and their ships involved, including any starbase

Unarmed, Scout, Warship, Bomber, Utility – total number of each ship class involved in the battle

Our Dead -- total number of our ships that were destroyed

Their Dead -- total number of their ships that were destroyed